supporting K-12 education particularly in the fields of science, math and technology; and higher education including scholarships. Key examples include the following:
- Provide college scholarships for engineering, IS and the crafts to address utility’s future workforce gap
- Increase pipeline of kids seeking engineering and technical careers by increasing interest in math, science and technology
- Provide opportunities for underserved kids to seek a college education
Vulnerable & limited income populations
providing assistance to those on limited incomes and support for initiatives to reduce poverty. Key examples include the following:
- Ease the burden of energy prices to customers most in need
- Provide enhanced level of support to senior and more vulnerable customers
- Provide energy conservation education to senior, vulnerable and limited income customers
- Support community-wide safety net services for basic needs costs
Economic and cultural vitality
supporting projects that help our communities and citizens to grow and prosper. Key examples include the following:
- Support capital projects that provide vital civic and social infrastructure and economic growth
- Support signature community events and programs that provide significant community identity and quality of life